
The development of business potential is impossible without its disclosure.

This means that, first of all, the hidden part of the potential needs to be made visible, visualized. In other words, you need to clearly understand the idea that underlies the business and deploy it, give the idea a form, clearly paint it. Without understanding the idea, it is impossible to get many customers and thereby large sales.

That’s where the problem arises

The bottom line is that a client is a person in whom a businessman has implemented the idea of […]

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Why do we need a business control system

The implementation of the idea brings money. Then everyone gets a share of this money depending on the contribution to their generation. But in fact, very often people are hired by a company and begin to implement their personal ideas within it. Of course, some ideas are a plus for business, but a lot of them harm it. Eric Bern wrote about this in detail in his works “People who play games” and “Games that people play”.

Some use business as […]

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Fraudsters have stolen more than $2.3 billion worth of cryptocurrencies since the beginning of the year

Since the beginning of 2022, scammers have stolen cryptocurrencies worth more than $2.3 billion, 98.8% of all hacks were on decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, according to a report by ImmuneFi.

According to an organization specializing in blockchain security, in the period from July to September, crypto platforms and their users lost more than $428 million, 30 project hacks and nine fraud attacks were committed.

One of the biggest attacks recently was the hacking of the Nomad Bridge project, in August, attackers stole […]

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